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Russian for kids. Letters , numbers, colours

Russian for kids. Letters , numbers, colours

A colourful worksheet that can be used in class or as part of home learning to help children memorise letters, learn and practise colours, new words and numbers 1-10. ask children to find the letter the suggested word starts with ask them to find all the green/red letters ask them to count all the green/red letters or objects ask them to count all the animals, fruits, etc. ask them to test you! Kids love catching adults making a mistake!
Russian: Arts, Music

Russian: Arts, Music

Expand your Russian vocabulary with this list of words and phrases related to music. The worksheet contains a list of phrases and two exercises to help you practise them and see the phrases in context. The worksheet can be used in class as well as for independent work, as the answers are provided. Appropriate for level A2 and higher as well as those working toward Russian A-level.
Russian Verbal Aspect

Russian Verbal Aspect

This is an video tutorial where I explain the concept of aspect, draw parallels with the use of English tenses, offer real life situations and examples of usage of perfective and imperfective verbs, look at the formation of perfective verbs and offer some practice. For the second part of the video (from min.15:30) you will need to refer to the picture file.
Russian: verbs of motion: transitive (носить, возить, водить) & intransitive. Beginners, GCSE

Russian: verbs of motion: transitive (носить, возить, водить) & intransitive. Beginners, GCSE

This 10-page activity book provides a variety of exercises to help -practise and differentiate between uni- and multidirectional verbs of motion (ходить/идти, ездить/ехать with prefixes) in all tenses -practise and differentiate transitive (and easy to confuse!) verbs of motion возить/везти and водить/вести, as well as носить/нести use of НОСИТЬ/НКЧТИ in the meaning of “to wear” use of ВЕЗТИ (perfective and imperfective) in the meaning of “to be/get lucky”. The exercises include: -multiple choice -spin the wheel -filling in gaps -writing the correct ending/verbs The exercises can be further adapted, for example discussing the pictures: -asking to describe a picture using a specific verb in different tenses, asking for student’s opinion on the pictures/sentences -changing uni directional verbs for multidirectional in a sentence and vice versa -asking to name all the things seen in each picture (spin the wheel) -students could say (where a sentence/picture allows) how often they do the actions from a sentence/ when was the last time they went somewhere, carried or brought something -guessing which picture is being described The exercises could be used for a quick revision at the start of a lesson as well as homework once the theory has been explained. Appropriate for GCSE and A1-A2 level.
Russian for kids.  Alphabet, colours, number

Russian for kids. Alphabet, colours, number

A colourful worksheet that can be used in class or as part of home learning to help children memorise letters, learn and practise colours, new words and numbers 1-10. ask children to find the letter the suggested word starts with ask them to find all the green/red letters ask them to count all the green/red letters or objects ask them to count all the animals, fruits, etc. use it as an assessment task to see how well children remember certain letters ask them to test you! Kids love catching adults making a mistake! use the pages as a colouring activity
Russian in business news. B2

Russian in business news. B2

A resource based on an authentic newspaper article. It is aimed at expanding business (retail and finance, specifically) vocabulary and word collocations. Mulitple choice exercise is aimed at revising participles and paying attention to the meaning of prefixed verbs in set expressions in formal Russian . Answers are provided.
Russian Idioms

Russian Idioms

Expand your Russian vocabulary and ‘colour’ your language with a range of idioms. The worksheet consists of two parts: part 1 - a list idioms with the word УМ (mind, brain, intelligence) and a variety of exercises to practise using the m in real speech part 2 - a list of idioms with the word НОС, dialogues with examples and fill in the gaps The exercises include: match the phrases fill in the gaps find the opposites find equivalents find the odd word The worksheet is appropriate for level B1+ Can be used for classwork or independent study. Each idiom can be used as a astimulus for speaking exercise (e.g. think of a situation where you might usethe phrase, ‘guess the idiom’ task for for work in pairs, think of an equivalent saying in a student’s native language and give a literal translation to the phrase) Answers are provided.
Business Russian. Comprehension "Dirty money in the UK"

Business Russian. Comprehension "Dirty money in the UK"

This is a worksheet I developed for my business Russian students aimed at B2/C1 level. The file contains an interview with a book author. The task is to substitute English words with Russian equivalents. The vocabulary is business and finance focused. Students will also benefit from finding a number of synonymous constructions for the phrases to be translated into English. If used for self-study, the worksheet will require work with a dictionary or a teacher’s guidance. While using it for my own lessons, I encouraged students to think of the answers to the questions posed by the journalist in the text before proceeding to reading the author’s answers. This prompted a lively discussion in the group and a bit of a break from a rather intense grammar and vocab exercise.
Russian: films, hobbies. Level B1+

Russian: films, hobbies. Level B1+

This 3-page worksheet (plus separate page with answers) is inspired by a review of a recent Netflix documentary Skywalker about a Russian couple who made their name as extreme skywalkers! The text can be used to work on such topics as films, hobbies and modern Russian society (one of Russian Edexcel A-level themes) and helps expand the vocabulary, specifically descriptive adjectives and verbs as well as some set expressions. The text is followed by four vocabulary exercises (word search, true/false, synonyms match, Eng-Rus verbs match) and a set of general questions for discussion.
A-level Russian: Modern Russian cinema

A-level Russian: Modern Russian cinema

A worksheet on the topic of modern Russian cinema. It is based on a newspaper article about a critically acclaimed film by a Russian director. The text is followed by a series of exercises (true/false, synonyms as well as multiple choice). The text can be a conversation starter on the topic of modern cinema as well as family and family values. The worksheet can be used for class or independent work and the answers to the exercises are provided. Appropriate to use for Russian A-level teaching as well as level B1 adult learners .
Russian. Listening  and reading comprehension. A story by S.Dovlatov. Episode 3

Russian. Listening and reading comprehension. A story by S.Dovlatov. Episode 3

This worksheet contains a link to a episode 3 of podcast Reading Russian with Belka. We read a story called ‘Встретились, поговорили’ by Sergei Dovlatov. The worksheet contains: a transcript of the story with highlighted tricky words and phrases which are explained in the podcast as well as included in the vocabulary list after the text vocabulary list with translation into English and words with the same roots to those highlighted so that students can trace the etymology and learn more words. comprehension questions word search exercise with answers translation exercise with answers The resource can easily be used for home and class reading and is easily adaptable. The text provides a good basis for starting a discussion on a number of topics (such as family life, school and university life, world of work, immigration, politics), which are relevant for those working towards an A-level exam (UK-based students), Russian proficiency exam B1 and higher and or a degree level.
Russian culture and Hollywood

Russian culture and Hollywood

This 4-page resourse is based on a 10-minute video about Hollywod actors and their ‘love affair’ with Russia - actors with Russian ancestry, actors that have business interests in Russia and those simply in love with the culture and language. The worksheet contains: -videolink -vocabulary exercise before the video to tackle tricky phrases comprehension exercises -grammar exercises (case use, prepositions). The worksheet can also be used for further discussion. Possible ideas: what actors do you consider to be most talented -which films of those actors have you watched what genres are those actors most famous for? -what films made those actors famous? what are the most recent films with those actors that you have watched? -can you think of any other movies shot in Russia/about Russia? The worksheet could be used with a teacher’s guidance as classwork material for students of B1-2 levels
GCSE Russian: Identity&Culture - Modern technology

GCSE Russian: Identity&Culture - Modern technology

Although we developed it for both teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students, the resource can be used by anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and practise talking about culture and identity. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. We included the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (ldentity & Culture/Modern technology in that case). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. Please, note, the sample answers reflect the higher tier GCSE requirements but can be used with students of a lower level with a teacher’s support.
Russian GCSE: SCHOOL 1 - speaking exam sample question card with answers.

Russian GCSE: SCHOOL 1 - speaking exam sample question card with answers.

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) , a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. The answers acan be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whther they share the same viewpoint. It is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (School in this instance). Page 3 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian
Russian GCSE exam practice card with answers. School 2

Russian GCSE exam practice card with answers. School 2

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) and a teacher’s card. The questions cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (School in this instance). Page 3 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian.
Russian GCSE Oral exam sample question card with answers

Russian GCSE Oral exam sample question card with answers

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) and a teacher’s card. we included questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (Local area, holiday, travel in this worksheet). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian.
Russian GCSE Identity&Culture: Cultural life - film and TV

Russian GCSE Identity&Culture: Cultural life - film and TV

Although we developed it for both teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students, the resource can be used by anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and practise talking about culture and identity. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) ,a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. It is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (“Identity and culture: cultural life” in that case). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. Students can think of their own answers and compare them with those provided or read the answers first, express their opinion and then think of how they would respond to the same questions. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. Please, note, the sample answers reflect the higher tier GCSE requirements.
Russian GCSE: READING exam-style practice test paper

Russian GCSE: READING exam-style practice test paper

GCSE reading practice (Edexcel exam board). The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 10 exam style reading questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, answering questions in English and Russian) and a paragraph for translation into English… The following topics are included: Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences Holidays, hotels, issues Services School life & routine School rules and pressures Work, careers and volunteering / future plans Daily routines Celebrations, traditions Relationships with family and friends Environmental issues Travel and transport Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise Answers and transcripts are provided on a separate page to enable independent work Please, note that it is not a past Edexcel paper, but an original resource created to Edexcel standards and with the specification in mind.
Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

The resource is aimed at A2 level learners. Although we developed it for both teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students, the resource can be used by anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and practise talking about culture and identity. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. Although it is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (ldentity & Culture in that case). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. Please, note, the sample answers reflect the higher tier GCSE requirements.